Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Magical ways to break up

Magical ways to break up

Love is beautiful and wonderful, but unfortunately it is not always eternal. Even the most ardent feeling can burn out. If it ends on both sides it is not a problem, people part ways keeping the memory in their hearts after a fiery passion or sincere relationship. Even if love turns into hatred it is not a problem, because ex-lovers simply throw themselves into the arms of others to get oblivion. However, the problem is when two people are driven by completely different feelings, when love is extinguished on only one side. When we love someone we give him or her our heart, and with a painful breakup it turns out that we are doomed to a life without a heart, and although this is only a metaphor the pain and suffering of the abandoned lover is as real as it gets.

The relationship between two people is a fusion of their energies, even if one person falls away, the other continues to be stuck in an emotional relationship. An energetic imbalance occurs. One person takes their energy, but the one not ready to part ways does not do so - so they condemn themselves to an energetic deficit. Help in such a situation can be sought in magic. Of course, it is not essential, after all, people who do not believe in magic or rely on it also regain peace of mind after a while, but it undoubtedly takes much longer. Each person deals with a broken heart differently. One can lie in bed and cry, and one can throw oneself into the arms of more and more fleeting lovers. However, this often leads to committing foolishness, because our view of things is clouded. So it is safer to use magic - not to forcefully keep your partner with you, but to let him go, and yourself regain harmony and the possibility of falling in love again.

What is obvious is to get rid of all objects that are associated with a former partner. Leaving yourself mementos will never be a good decision. If the partner, for some reason, did not take all his things with him, for example, clothes or photos, let's not worry just simply throw them away. The space in which we are staying plays a huge role in magic, so it must not distract us or arouse bad emotions, especially when they are related to the person who hurt us and in connection with whom we want to perform a relevant ritual. Both redecorating according to the principles of feng shui and a cleansing ritual will be helpful. We need to prepare ourselves sage or a mixture of various herbs, which by burning will level the bad energy from our apartment. However, as in any ritual, the most important part is our action. We sit comfortably in the middle of the room, free our mind from all thoughts and begin meditation. Once we have reached the right calm we begin to imagine a white luminous ball. In our mind, we make the sphere as white as possible, as if by purifying it we would rid it of all stains from our lives. Then slowly in our imagination we change the color of the sphere to green.

When the process is over along with the burning herbs we go around our home in a counter-clockwise direction. We have to carefully go around the whole house, slowly and carefully so that the bad energy drains out of every nook and cranny. In rituals, one must not rush. When this is done, we put out the herbs and light an incense stick or warming oil with the scent of lavender or ylang ylang and go around the apartment again, but in the opposite direction. This time our action is aimed at restoring positive energy. The right effect, however, will be when we do not limit ourselves only to mechanical fumigation, but together with this activity our mind will cooperate. We must imagine the harmony that will fill our surroundings after the ritual is finalized.

All about huna

 All about huna

Anyone who has ever practiced huna, when asked for its definition, will certainly answer in their own unique way. The same is true in all sorts of sources - it is impossible to find the same or sometimes even similar formula. This is perhaps the best proof that huna is a very "soft" concept that can be interpreted in different ways. However, as it turns out, it is a practice present in many beliefs and mind control techniques.

The mystery

At what point in time huna was actually born, and under what circumstances it came into being, it is difficult to determine clearly as of today. One thing is certain, however - if it were not for psychologist Max Freedom Long, perhaps until today, the modern world would never have heard of huna. When he moved to Hawaii in 1917, he met indigenous people there who could walk on burning embers and cure severe illnesses, and the local community believed they could perform miracles. They were called kahunas or guardians of the secret.

However, learning it wasn't so easy - its secrets were passed down orally, so Long found he had to learn the local language first. In-depth research allowed him to discover that huna, or this secret, most likely originated in the Middle East and reached Polynesia via India. It took him more than 50 years of his life to delve deeper, and the results of his work made it possible, among other things, to discover that huna clings to yoga, Hinduism, Middle Eastern worship, and traces of it can be found in the Old and especially the New Testament.

Specifics of huna

Reviewing a variety of sources, the term "prayer" is most often encountered, but the term "positive thinking" is equally common. Most likely, in its early development it was a kind of religion, similar elements of which can be found in various parts of the world and in most other beliefs. In the modern world, it is treated more as a "way of thinking" or a "good/appropriate attitude toward the world."

The human being consists of the heart, body and subconsciousness or "ku", the mind and consciousness in the form of "lono" and the "kane" or Superconsciousness, while huna allows us to combine these aspects and maintain harmony between them.

Huna in the modern world

Huna is largely based on prayer, which must first be properly arranged so that it does not violate the will of others. Then it is important to believe that this prayer has causal power (very often the word "prayer" is replaced by the word "affirmation"). By focusing one's thoughts on a particular aspect, one can change or achieve it. Huna allows you to follow any world religion at the same time, it does not require you to reject its dogmas or stop its practices. What is important is the pursuit of a set goal, such as gaining financial income or curing an illness, by using the power of the mind. A very important premise of huna is that absolutely everyone has within him or herself an extraordinary power, such as self-healing, and huna allows in the proper use of this ability.

Thoughts on the right track

Huna in the modern world can be found in many aspects of our daily lives, such as in NLP practices, or in the notorious book "The Secret. "The Secret." Mind control very often boils down to a single interpretation - a long and trouble-free life, total control of our destiny, all through the mind. Whatever you call huna, it certainly boils down to one thing - believing in your own abilities and taking control of your own destiny. Not everyone dares to take such a bold step, but the one who tries - will never regret it.

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