Does it sometimes seem to you that the situation you find yourself in has already happened to you before? The place is familiar, the chain of events seems familiar to you. Probably everyone has experienced this strange phenomenon, which is called déjà vu, often also referred to as a disturbance of memories. What is it caused by? You will find the answer by reading the rest of this article.
Deja vu is a situation that everyone has to deal with. Some people experience it more often, others less often. However, few people know what a disturbance of memories really is and why it occurs in their lives. It often evokes mixed feelings, and we take a moment to embrace what has just happened. Sometimes we start to recall what we did last time so that we can somehow connect the facts. However, after a few moments of reflection, we realise that such an identical situation never had the right to happen to us. This is déjà vu. The term means "already seen". The characteristics of this phenomenon are the suddenness of the occurrence, the feelings accompanying the event are brief, lasting only a few seconds, the impossibility of associating when we have experienced the same situation, déjà vu concerns a place, specific people and the situation as a whole and not a single element.
Unfortunately, the phenomenon of distorted memories is still shrouded in considerable mystery even for scientists. The occurrence of déjà vu can be the cause of illnesses such as migraine auras or accompany epileptic seizures. Sometimes we may have the feeling that something has already happened in our life, simply because an element is familiar to us from another situation. For example, if the chairs in a restaurant are very similar to those of our aunt, we may experience déjà vu even if we are in that place for the first time in our lives.
It may be interesting to note that déjà vu can be experienced by people who are blind. The abilities of the other senses are so strong that a certain sound can trigger the feeling of déjà vu. This phenomenon is most often experienced by young, overtired and stressed people, as well as travellers. Some believe that the disturbance of memories may be strongly linked to reincarnation, but this is a matter for personal reflection.
Unfortunately, we still know very little about the causes of the déjà vu phenomenon. Scientists are still researching this condition and trying to find out why it occurs. This phenomenon was already considered in the time of Socrates and Plato, so it is not something that has appeared in our time. The fact that it is taking so long to identify the reasons for experiencing this phenomenon seems somewhat disturbing, but at the same time fascinating.
Saturday, July 15, 2023
What is the déjà vu effect and why do we experience it?
Thursday, July 13, 2023
How do you discover the power within yourself? On spiritual development
The ability to read the future, travel in the astral plane or read minds are skills that every person would love to possess. It seems that in order to boast such an art, one must be born with the right gift. However, nothing could be further from the truth, for although innate talents are indeed significant, the true shaping of our powers is something we decide for ourselves. People endowed with paranormal powers are those who have reached their higher self, i.e. reached the highest level of spiritual development or one of the higher degrees. It is therefore not something everyone is born with, but something they work on and slowly achieve. No one is deprived of the possibility of achieving this, for everyone has the necessary potential, but unfortunately only a few try to use it.
In spiritual development, meditation is the most important and, in the case of the desire to discover power within oneself, it is also the basis. Spending at least a few minutes a day meditating will help to clear the mind, make us more open to stimuli from the Universe and at the same time allow us to feel inner harmony and peace. Meditation also does not require much preparation or complicated activities. We just need to find some time and a place where we can sit comfortably and, instead of the noise of the surrounding world, focus on ourselves. Listening to our own breath, we try to synchronise with it with all our senses. By thinking only of these rhythmic breaths, we move all bad emotions and experiences away from ourselves.
Meditation is precisely to clear our mind, allowing us to forget experiences, but analysing them is also an important element in our spiritual training. Before going to sleep, try to recall various situations from the day, but approach them not emotionally but rationally. Think about how you acted and how you could have acted, what would have been the best solution. Gradually, you will begin to notice the small mistakes you make that you were not even aware of. You will also then learn how to deal with them, and you will see a new perspective in how you perceive many things.
It is also important to work on the mind itself; it is, after all, nature's most perfect creation and hides unexplored possibilities, including the very power we can master. The right hemisphere, which is linked to the left side of the body, is responsible for creative abilities, so right-handed people need to practise left-handed activities and left-handed people vice versa. This will allow both of our hemispheres to work evenly and make the mind much more productive. This skill will not only be useful for spiritual development, but it will improve the comfort of our lives, we will have a better memory, concentration and more desire to work.
Last, but by no means least, is to trust your intuition. In a world of haste, universalisation and the imposition of certain patterns of behaviour, as well as the need to conform to society, intuition has been pushed into the shadows. It is treated as something irrational and unimportant and nobody takes it seriously. Worse still, most of us are not good at reading the signs that suggest our intuition is telling us something. The preceding points will fortunately sharpen our senses to the stimuli sent from both the Universe and ourselves. We will see that the slight sense of anxiety that sometimes overtakes us or the inexplicable euphoria are whispers from our soul, which wants to tell us how to behave in a given situation.
We will be surprised how, after a few months of following these cues, our senses and the way we perceive the world will develop. Our confidence in ourselves will definitely increase, and this is like the best way to reach the higher self.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
What does your zodiac sign say about your child?
The Aries child is lively and very loud. He cannot sit still in one place. They are very active and because of this, they often get hurt. If you have an Aries child, be careful of dangerous objects, and make sure to protect all edges of furniture in advance. Due to his impetuous nature, he often suffers minor injuries. He is very good at learning but lacks discipline and regularity.
Children under the sign of Taurus are very stubborn, which can be particularly annoying for less patient parents. It requires a strong hand and a lot of attention. At school, he tends to take charge in a group and, in special cases, even terrorise weaker children.
Children under the sign of the Twins are usually intelligent and modest. They arouse the jealousy of others by their ability and often become victims of school violence. At home, they take care of themselves and cause few problems for their parents.
At first contact, they seem shy and quiet, but when they get to know the group better, they become noisy and try to impose their point of view on the other children, forcing them to play and behave in a certain way. At home, they can be noisy and stubborn, but at the same time hypersensitive, giving their parents a headache.
Children with Leo tend to be narcissistic and selfish from a very young age, so it is best for them to have siblings. Leo singletons grow up to be self-centred people who do not pay attention to the needs of others. For this reason, it is important to show them a lot of affection so that they are less likely to develop these negative traits.
Children under the sign of Virgo do well in school but have difficulty making friends. The combination of their innate curiosity about the world and their shyness often leads to nervous problems. In order to avoid this, it is important to give them plenty of attention and ensure that they have extra-curricular activities with their peers.
The Libra child does not usually stand out from the crowd. He/she performs mediocre at school but has a large group of friends. It is difficult to motivate them to study beyond the standard they set themselves. In the case of Libra, standard simply means passing school without much effort.
The Scorpio child has a cheerful disposition. He or she is often the soul of the company. This trait unfortunately fades with adolescence, when Scorpio becomes more cautious and closed off. Worth noting is the fact of the need to compete, so it is worth trying to get extra sports activities or enrolling your child in martial arts.
Sagittarius children are lively, cheerful and positively disposed. However, unlike Aries, they do not need competition. They value friendship as a value in itself. Friendships made in their early years often continue into adulthood. At home, they are unlikely to trouble their parents, occupying themselves with playing with their own children or studying.
A trait that distinguishes them from other children is their constancy of interest and stubbornness. If your Capricorn offspring finds a hobby, you can be sure that he or she will cultivate it well into adulthood. Once he becomes interested in something, it is very difficult to dissuade him from it. At school, he needs to find someone who shares his passions, otherwise he will feel lonely and alienated from the group.
The Aquarius child has a hundred ideas at once. He gets bored very quickly and needs new stimuli to stimulate his imagination. He is very sociable at school and has many friends.
Children under the sign of Pisces are usually very quiet and withdrawn from their peer group. They often have problems with self-esteem. Due to their hypersensitivity, they need to be treated gently and given lots of love.
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