Our home, garden or flat say a lot about ourselves. It is at home that we rest, regenerate, gain strength, plan for the future and, increasingly, work (the world situation has, in a way, forced us to do so).
Often, however, coming home from the outdoors, we feel immediately more tired, weary or discouraged. We have the feeling of such an 'energy' bump. And we are not talking about various entities or stray souls that can make quite a mess for us (in such a situation one should consult a priest, a lay exorcist or an experienced medium who has insight into what kind of soul has strayed, what it needs, etc., the medium has the power to guide souls to the light/Heaven/Centre of the Universe, etc.). We don't have to feel the energy drops at all, once we arrive home. Let us try lighting incense sticks (e.g. rose, palo santo-scented, floral) or use proven cleansing herbs whose smoke clears negative energies beautifully. Let us clean our homes regularly.
Particularly when you are recovering from a serious infection, going through a divorce hearing, feeling lonely or under permanent stress, cleansing is very important. Unfortunately, low vibrations can be damaging to our physical body, our well-being, our subtle bodies, other household members and pets living with us.Remember to choose high quality incense sticks, preferably made with 100 per cent natural/organic ingredients. It is nice if the incense is certified organic or has been checked by popular certification bodies. It is important to check this, as we are unlikely to want to inhale chemicals that can exacerbate our allergies or bronchial asthma. Incense sticks are also used in white and black magic rituals. They surround us with a subtle and gentle energy that helps bring us closer to a specific goal.
For aura or room cleansing, a special cleansing incense/olibanum or an incense based on white sage works well. Rose incense will bring us closer to our longed-for love. Its beautiful and delicate fragrance helps to harmonise and balance our heart chakra. You can find cool quality incense/ herbs for room incense/bowls and incense storage containers in popular esoteric shops.
Saturday, August 19, 2023
High vibrations or what objects raise the energy of our dwelling?
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Diet and the zodiac sign - what is worth paying attention to?
Every astrologer is aware that our zodiac sign also determines aspects of our physicality. Our strengths and weaknesses depend, in a way, on the month of our birth. For this reason, your zodiac sign can be an excellent indicator in terms of nutrition. For example, people who are strongly influenced by their zodiac sign may suffer from deficiencies in certain elements. The following article will help you to choose the right nutrition according to your zodiac sign.
The zodiacal sign Aries is impatient and a little nervous. Their diet should be adapted to their temperament. Aries should eat easily digestible food. However, as very energetic people, they need a lot of protein. Its best source will be poultry or lamb.
Taurus is a person with a sensitive throat and should therefore avoid spicy foods and hot drinks. Fizzy drinks and spirits are also not recommended for this sign. Instead, it is advisable to have red wine with dinner. Bulls also tend to be overweight. For this reason, they should avoid simple sugars and very fatty foods.
Zodiac twins are generally physically delicate people. Their digestive system can also be very sensitive. Like bulls, twins should also avoid spicy foods. For this zodiac sign, the consumption of large quantities of fruit, especially apples and ramets, is recommended.
Zodiac Cancers have sensitive stomachs. For this reason, they should avoid spicy and acidic foods. Mediterranean cuisine is ideal for them. Since Cancers are very susceptible to stress, they should also avoid fatty and hard to digest food.
Zodiac Lions have an increased risk of heart disease and hypertension. For this reason, they should move regularly and follow a diet devoid of animal fats which are responsible for elevated cholesterol levels. Poultry meat and legumes are ideal for them.
Virgos should opt for an easily digestible diet which is high in fibre. Highly processed products, especially processed meats, should be avoided. Alcohol in large quantities is also inadvisable. These products may cause skin problems and intestinal disorders.
The main health problems of the Scales focus on the urinary system, i.e. the kidneys and the bladder. Zodiac Scales should drink large amounts of pure water and cranberry juice to prevent bladder problems. Drinking large amounts of coffee and alcohol should be avoided. Their diet should be balanced and rich in antioxidants.
Zodiac scorpions have a high physical resilience. However, they should not abuse this trait by overeating. A typically Polish diet serves them well, but scorpions should also not overdo it with strong alcohol because they tend to fall into addictions.
Sagittarians generally enjoy good health. However, their weaknesses include their liver. Sagittarians are particularly wary of viral hepatitis. It is therefore important to wash every product thoroughly before consumption and to give meat a heat treatment. Sagittarians are susceptible to food poisoning and should be careful with the expiry dates of food products.
Capricorns should make sure they have the right amount of calcium in their diet. All dairy products such as yoghurt and cheese are recommended. Food containing a large amount of salt should be avoided. This element causes an increase in blood pressure, which Capricorns should be careful about.
Zodiac Aquarians should make sure to have a wholesome two-course dinner. Avoid eating fast food or replacing lunch with sandwiches. Aquarians are also harmed by acidic juices; choose pear juice instead of orange.
Zodiac fish tend to retain water in the body. Therefore, they should watch their salt intake, which aggravates this problem. Red meat and heavily roasted foods should also be avoided.
Saturday, August 5, 2023
What is numerology?
Starting from the name itself, numerology is the science of numbers. This definition, however, does not convey the meaning that this science brings with it. It sounds like we are talking about algebra, yet there is a significant difference between the two disciplines. Numerology, unlike the iron rules of mathematics, reads something more from numbers than is apparent at first glance. It reveals the future destiny, the hidden qualities and wisdoms of the Universe written in the individual numbers as in their combinations.
The origins of numerology
The origins of numerology can be traced back to ancient Egypt and, later, Babylonia. The priests had been using the symbolism of numbers since the 10th century BC. However, it was the Greek philosopher who made the importance of numerology fully famous. He was not only a mathematician and astrologer, but also a mystic, and thanks to his many journeys, including mainly his stay in Egypt, he began to give numbers a greater role. Pythagoras studied the world through numbers and discovered how they determine the environment. Everything can not only be measured, but through numbers much more can be read. His teaching was continued by his disciples, who are generally referred to as Pythagoreans.
The development of numerology was also hugely influenced by the Kabbalah. Jewish mystics believed that Yahweh had hidden the secret cipher of the world in the Scriptures. The science has its own name - gematria - and was based on the assumption that each letter of the alphabet had a numerical value. And it was these traditions that shaped later numerology as we know it today.
For sceptics who consider numerology to be magic tricks, it is worth adding that history knows of many scientists who manifested a fascination with numerology. These included the famous physicists Isaac Newton and Lord Kelvin.
Modern numerology
For centuries numerology did not flourish, it was slightly forgotten and the information associated with it was only available to a small circle of people. It was only revived in the 19th century when a well-known occultist introduced it as one of the methods he used. This was William John Warner, known as Cheiro. During his numerous travels, he learned about divination from many different peoples, and was associated with a Brahmin sect among others. It is to him that modern numerology owes the translation of the principles of Hebrew gematria into the application of Latin culture.
The real mother of modern numerology, however, was Sarah Joanna Dennis, known as L. Dow Balliett. She accurately described all the numbers derived from the alphabet, while also indicating whether they came out of vowels, consonants or both.
Vibrations of numbers
Numerology assumes that every number has a meaning. The most important is, of course, the date of birth. There are two ways of counting, either each digit is added, or in the day and month the whole numbers are added, so for example:
1981 = 1+3+0+5+1+9+8+1=28=2+8=10=1+0=1
As you can see from the example, the digits are added together until you get a digit by 1 to 9. The exception is so-called master numbers, which consist of two identical digits, e.g. 11, 22, 33 etc. In this case, we no longer add them up.
However, these are not the only data from which we can draw inspiration in numerology - for numbers are hidden everywhere. According to Hebrew tradition, we also translate words into numbers. The most typical is to assign alphabetically to certain letters the digits 1 to 9 in turn, repeating up to the letter Z.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In this way, we can also calculate from our forenames and surnames which number favours us, e.g.:Jan Nowak = 1+1+5+1+6+5+1+2=22
In the case of this name, we have just come up with a master number, whose component digits we do not add up, although of course we can, which would give us a four.
Skeptics suggest that if numerology were true then the date of birth and the digit of the first and last name would always be the same. For is Jan Nowak born on 15. 05. 1981 favoured by 1 or 22? The answer is simpler than it might seem - both digits are equally valid.
Surrounded by numbers
Nothing in life is black and white - it is not possible to define a person on the basis of a single data, only all the signs form a complete picture. Numerology, tarot and horoscope do not contradict each other, but complement each other. It is the same with numerology itself - one person can be assigned several digits and their mutual vibration gives a complete person. Just look at several people born on the same day. They will have several characteristics in common, but they will not be the same after all.
Moreover, it should be noted that there are many more digits that influence a person's life. We can even influence it ourselves in some way. If someone has the number 12 in their diary at school, lives under the number 12 and important events take place, for example, on the 12th of the month, this person will quickly realise that 12 is their lucky number. No matter what vibration results from the name or date of birth. Such a person, when planning something, will gladly fix it on the 12th, confirming the power of this number in his life.
Few people, on the other hand, have a similar fondness for the number 13 - even those who do not believe in the power of numerology consider 13 to be unlucky, and 7 (at least in our cultural circle) to be lucky. These associations are extremely ingrained in people's minds. Real numerology is of course more complex, but this example proves that even sceptics succumb to the magic of numbers.
So it is worth remembering numerology, which has been known for millennia, can be a collection of important clues. Their role is not only to learn about ourselves, but also about others, to discover what to expect from someone or something. The ability to see the important numbers in our lives can prove very useful. All it takes is an open mind.
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