Is the aura an image of a bioelectric field that can be seen felt, controlled? Or is it just a bizarre invention?
What colour is your aura?
And what is it? You didn't even suppose you had one? Not surprisingly, for most people the aura is invisible...if it exists at all. Those who believe in its existence claim that it is a kind of electromagnetic or bioelectric field surrounding every living organism. According to proponents of the existence of the aura, its colour or otherwise power can reflect one's personality, mood or state of health. There is no scientific evidence conclusively confirming or denying the aura. But it seems that the group of people who believe in the existence of the aura is slowly growing. The most commonly cited evidence for its existence is the Kirlian experiment and the photograph of the aura itself. However, any conclusions from such photographs are still an open question.
Here are links to websites with a wealth of information that may help you form your own opinion about the aura:
On the website How To See and Read the Aura,( How to See and Read the Aura) Dr. Tom J. Chalko maintains a rather comprehensive website. Through it, he explains that one can learn to consciously influence the human bioelectric field, or in other words, one's aura by means of meditation and concentration exercises. According to Dr Chalko, in this way - by controlling the aura - one can influence the body's self-healing process. In another tab of the website, Dr Chalko presents examples of bioelectrography (which is very reminiscent of Kirlian photography). In his view, it shows the 'intelligent and coherent exchange of electrical information' from which life is built.
There are websites of small companies offering to photograph a client's aura for a fee (so-called aura imaging - 'aura imagining') using a special camera. One such company is Aura Imagining (link does not work). According to the company, their camera works on the level of the chakras, and the picture would have to be taken two or three times a year. This is probably due to the fact that they paid dearly for their camera, in addition to offering models for sale on their website for as little as ten thousand dollars apiece. Their photos are not Kirlian photographs, however, they show a portrait of the photographed person surrounded by a rainbow cloud. True Kirlian photographs are created without the use of a camera. However, even Dr Chalko, in broadcasts and programmes, strongly questions the reliability of the aura cameras mentioned. Dr Chalko claims that they will take a picture of the aura even if the person who is supposed to produce the aura is not in the picture.
A company called Auras and Energy ('Auras and Energy') analyses the colours of the aura, explaining the meaning of each colour. The company will also advise on how to sense one's own aura with one's (previously sensitised) hands and how to cleanse one's energy field using salt, water, baking soda and Epsom salt. Why all the fuss? On his page "The Importance of a Healthy Aura", Dr Dee explains that "the aura is the simplest and most effective way to draw and accumulate energy, which can then be used". The site provided also offers information on how to heal one's own aura through proper nutrition or some type of laser therapy.
On Robert Bruce's SpiritWeb site, one can come across a lot of precise information regarding the aura. As Bruce states, the aura "is both an energy field and a representation of the subtle life energy located in the body". In addition, he explains why most people do not see the aura and presents methods that will enable you to see it. Exercises from the See Auras website ('see auras', link does not work) show two steps to discover the 'human energy field', made up of seven layers. As stated, the exercises require some practice, but you can do it yourself.
As for the sceptical approach, it is worth reading the entry on auras in the Skeptic's Dictionary. There you will find not only a lot of introductory information on the subject, but also a challenge to the assumption that the aura is supposed to reflect health. Furthermore, it is highlighted that even among proponents of the aura theory, there is no consensus on what colour would correspond to a particular health condition. Another website that questions the issue of auras is Human Auras and Energy Fields, where the validity of Kirlian's photograph (experiment) and other attempts to photograph auras are questioned, as well as the testimony of those who claim to be able to sense or see auras.
What do you think? Is the aura merely an invention? Is it an actual bioelectric field that can be seen, felt, controlled? Just as we go to a chiropractor today to have us adjusted, will we one day go to an aura therapist to have it fixed?
Thursday, April 6, 2023
What colour is your aura?
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